
Our leadership team has the pleasure of working with clients and collaborators in participatory processes. We are highly observant and detail oriented and have completed all our projects successfully. Our leadership team has worked on more than 100 individual and collaborative team projects, including: Consulting Services, Teaching, Training, Studies and Research in Tourism, Trade Missions, Business Conferences, International Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums, and the Publication of scientific articles.
Project: Central America Trade Mission and Business Conference. Department of Commerce, United States of America

Hosted in San Jose, Costa Rica, August 21-26, 2022. The Trade Americas – Business Opportunities in the Central America Conference focused on region-specific sessions, market entry strategies, export compliance, legal, logistics, disaster resilience and recovery and trade financing resources. Business Conference program offered U.S. companies the opportunity to explore six markets in the Central America Region: Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Panama. Travel and Tourism was one of the sectors that the mission was focused on.
Featured project: Assisted in achieving specific goals

Developed Proposals and guidelines for the creation of The Blue Community Observatory, hosted by the USF Patel College of Global Sustainability (PCGS) which monitors the impact of tourism in parts of the Pinellas and Manatee Counties, two popular tourist destinations in Florida, USA.
Featured project: Assisted in Understanding Stakeholder Engagement

Conference Panel Discussion: Importance of Stakeholders in Business Management and Project Management. Center for Applied Social Sciences. Federal University of Pernambuco. Brazil.
Featured project: Conducted Feasibility Study

Technical assistance and strategic plan for the development of the Pichincha Tourism Observatory. A support instrument for travel and tourism sector with the main objective of supporting the continuous improvement of sustainability through systematic, timely and regular monitoring of tourism performance and impact at the local level. School of Hospitality and Services, Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial, Quito, Ecuador. Client: Ecuadorian Government. Prometeo Project, National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT).
Featured project: Developed Destination Management Plan

Sustainable Tourism Master Plan for Playas County (Local Development, Local Entrepreneurships and Tourism Educational Programs for tourism stakeholders), Guayas Province, Ecuador. Client: Ecuadorian Government. Prometeo Project, National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Ecuador (SENESCYT).
Featured project: Provided Leadership, Empowerment and Community Development

Leadership Development Workshops and Community Based Tourism Strategies for the Shuar community, Naranjal Province, Ecuador. Client: Regional Government.
Featured project: Conductive Scientific Visit Program

This program focused on seminars and workshops, data collection, participant observation, household surveys, key informant interviews, focused group discussions and meetings with municipal leaders from local government. Social Economic Observatory of Tourism, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Featured project: Conductive Scientific Visit Program

This program focused on the research Pro poor tourism conceptual approach. The term “Pro-Poor Tourism” was first used in work for the UK’s Department for International Development, exploring how tourism could contribute to poverty reduction and it was presented to the United Nations in 1999. Currently, the term “Pro Poor Tourism” is used for many international organization and academic research which focus on poverty reduction and its linkages with tourism development. Centre for Tourism and Policy Studies. University of Brighton. United Kingdom.
Featured project: Provided Leadership for Tourism and Local Development

Sustainable Tourism Development Strategy for Cabo Corrientes County as tourist destination. Coast North of Jalisco State. Mexico. Client: Local Government.
Our leadership team has worked with all levels of Government, Institutions, Destination Management Organizations, Destination Management Companies, Entrepreneurs, Businesspeople, Leaders, and Companies to achieve their goals with innovative solutions.